What You See Is All There Is

"What you see is all there is" - Amos Taversky

Having read the book by Daniel Kahneman: Thinking Fast & Thinking Slow I was taken back by the profound quote above.

I don’t believe this quote at every level of my being, but as a human, science tells me that my actions tend to say that I do often act in accordance with that quote.

AIDS, Religion, Radio, and Government Surveilance all suffer from the same issue. It’s hard to heget someone to really feel compelled about something that can not deal with.

AIDS has benefited by 30+ years of activism and awareness to let people know how to prevent the spread of deadly sexually transmitted diseases.

Faith & Religion may be the originators of talking about the reality of things unseen but seems to struggle with

Radio has the benefit of magical having receivers which you can see (and hear) and this allows your brain to graple with the reality of AM/ FM/ WiFi/ CellPhone waves passing through your body right now.

Governemnt Surveilance just because you believe it is or is not happening has no bearing on the humming of data centers that are actively collecting the fact that you have spent about 25 seconds reading this article.
