Try Teaching Time To Market

If you are an educator of marketing individuals.

All too often you admister a test, students scratch in their work, you collect the tests, deduct points for missed questions, and redistribute the tests.

But the issue is that most of life is not a one pass opportunity.

First Impressions
visa vis - Interviews

What if, at least once through out a students time in a program, there was some educational task that was more interative in nature, but had penalties for being late and/or incorrect.


First to Market: Can tolerate some incorrect-ness since they are shaping the game.
Wave1 of Fast Follows: Starts up a hill - more correctness is apppreciated.
Wave2: Being Loud is best if you are here
Wave3: Being different from everything before is better if you are here.

But each student must have the chance to get an A, and certainly must have a chance to pass.

The simulation should value iteration, correction, re-evaluation,

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Reference Reading:

Fabrizio Verrecchia