Comfort is Very Functional

  1. ¶This Sprint: That Loving Feeling
  2. ¶Users Represent The Hardwork
  3. ¶Change is Risky

As engineers attempt to build the biggest baddest widget - often times it is very easy to overlook the fact that if the buyer does not care about your features - then your labors are in vein.

No one cares.

Engineers who have been around the block have witnessed this. Good engineers have a healthy fear of working on something that they can convince themselves is material - but no one else shares in their new found precoccuption of caring about said feature.

Consider Starbucks, Hyundai’s Warranty Program, and the packaging for “The Pill” (women’s contraceptive pill)

This Sprint: That Loving Feeling

At the risk of too many puns I will shy away from the packaging for The Pill under this header, instead I can discuss Startbucks.

Users Represent The Hardwork

You think that all your work to represent your whole system in software was dauting. WHOA - you refactored 37% of the codebase to have atomic containerized deployments (let’s pretend everyone knows what that means or why they should care). Or in the case of a pharmacetical company you have full developed a new drug, you have sheparded it through FDA approval. All the hard work was done, right? No. If “users” or patience in this case don’t take their meds - then you new drug is rendered useless.

“The Pill” - aka: oral birth control pill - started life as loose pills in a brown glass pill bottle - afterall at was 1968. User did not like the fact that his wife had this great thing - but would forget to take her meds.

Change is Risky

Hyundai had recently revamped their whole lineup of cars.

No one would buy them.

Enter their 100k warranty. A bold statement that they would put their money where the mouth was. This is not only the best car on the market - if it has problems we will take care of it.

Aka - all the engineering that went into the car was not enough for the car to be so obviously better that it sold itself - it was accompanied by the orirginal giant warranty claim.

Aenean a tempor ipsum, eget sodales massa. Sed lobortis nisi eu nisl venenatis viverra. Praesent pulvinar hendrerit turpis ac pharetra. Nulla lobortis turpis a nibh aliquam hendrerit. Donec congue sit amet odio sit amet viverra. Duis rhoncus justo nulla, nec varius nulla tempus at. Etiam quis ultricies massa, id dapibus urna. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nullam et ultrices nulla, vel porttitor urna. Maecenas volutpat dolor a est condimentum dictum. Pellentesque arcu nibh, lobortis tincidunt elit sit amet, pharetra faucibus turpis. Morbi interdum, felis non vestibulum fermentum, quam justo tincidunt mauris, at dictum orci leo eget urna. Integer ornare justo vel sodales porttitor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed a mollis odio. Praesent turpis neque, congue ut odio eu, finibus viverra tellus.
