A Tale of Two Teams: Sales & Marketing

A Feud as old as the Hatfields and McCoys.

Which Does your company do?

  • Marketing Serves Sales?
  • Sales Serves Marekting?

Chances are your company does not have a real marketing department. (If I am wrong please contact me). Chances are your marketing department has decided that they are responsible for what trade shows to attend (in collaboration with sales), they create assets to get inbound leads using your marketing automation software, and they do their best at writing a bunch of words in the 11th hr (because thats all the time there is for marketing) to gussy up an email talking about the features in a release. If you are lucky they could explain, in their own words, what the release contains, who its for, what problems it was solving.

My point, of reasonable size, quickly gets a tsar of the chotchkies, and somehow they rationalize this as a good use of venture dollars. Now when someone does not like the trade show swag, they can
